史上最多外媒關注的大選 各大英文媒體標題整理
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#路透社 #Reuters
Taiwan voters rebuff China and give ruling party third presidential term
台灣選民斷然拒絕中國 給予執政黨第三屆總統任期(可惜沒加個 historic 畢竟是我們史上第一次有執政黨連任到第三個任期)
#美聯社 #AssociatedPress #AP
Ruling-party candidate emerges victorious in Taiwan’s presidential election
執政黨候選人勝選(很中性的標題,有趣的英文搭配詞 emerge victorious 字面意思是以勝利姿態浮現出來,我翻成中文習慣講的勝選)
William Lai, who China sees as ‘troublemaker’, wins Taiwan election
#紐約時報 #NYTimes
In a Setback for Beijing, Taiwan Elects Lai Ching-te as President
北京的挫敗 台灣選出賴清德任總統
Taiwan’s vice president, whose party has emphasized the island’s sovereignty, defeated an opposition party that favors reviving engagement with China.
台灣的副總統 所屬政黨著重島嶼(台灣)的主權 擊敗支持振興與中互動的反對黨
#華爾街日報 #WallStreetJournal
Taiwan Voters Defy Beijing in Electing New President
台灣選民反抗北京 選出新總統
Lai Ching-te’s victory will likely maintain the status quo—and the geopolitical tensions—around the island and between Washington and Beijing
賴清德的勝利可能維持台灣介於美中之間的現狀 以及地緣政治的緊張
#彭博社 #Bloomberg
Taiwan Elects Leader China Calls ‘Troublemaker’ in Blow for Xi
台灣選出中國稱為麻煩製造者的領袖 打擊習近平
The ruling party’s Lai Ching-te secured comfortable victory
執政黨的賴清德拿下舒適的勝利(這裡用 comfortable 我覺得不太對 因為賴這次只贏侯不到100萬票 贏得不輕鬆)
Result is setback for Beijing’s aim to forge closer ties
#衛報 #TheQuardian
Taiwan elects Lai Ching-te, from incumbent pro-sovereignty party, as president
Lai’s Democratic Progressive party wins unprecedented third term in result likely to anger China
賴所屬之民進黨贏得空前的第三屆任期 選舉結果可能激怒中國
#日經亞洲 #NikkeiAsia
Lai Ching-te wins 3rd straight Taiwan presidential poll for ruling DPP
China-skeptic Lai vows to continue the policies of incumbent Tsai Ing-wen
Taiwan voters dismiss China warnings and hand ruling party a historic third consecutive presidential win
台灣選民屏棄中國警告 給予執政黨歷史性的第三連任總統任期
#FoxNews #福斯
Taiwan election: Ruling party candidate wins tightly contested presidential race, upsetting China’s ambitions
台灣選舉:執政黨候選人競爭激烈地贏得總統大選 頓挫中國野心
William Lai will be Taiwan’s next president as his party wins historic third-successive term in power
賴清德成為台灣下一任總統 所屬政黨贏得歷史性的執政三連任
China skeptic wins Taiwan presidency in snub to Beijing
不顧北京 台灣疑中派勝選總統
William Lai offers olive branch to Beijing in victory speech amid fears his win could stoke tensions in South China Sea.
賴清德面對南海緊張加劇的擔憂 勝選演說對北京遞出橄欖枝
Photo: Ann Wang/Reuters via CNN
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