
2020台北電影節:【殘值 Viatical Settlement】輔12

2020台北電影節:【殘值 Viatical Settlement】輔12
詹淳皓 CHAN Chun-hao
2019 | 台灣
DCP | Colour | 89 分 | 中文/英文
2020 西雅圖影展

2020/07/09(四) 19:20~20:49 信義威秀14廳

導演:詹淳皓 CHAN Chun-hao


Insurer Ah-bin lives to his forties and never thought that he could be a saint.

Just by stamping on the policies, he can change people’s lives. Everything starts from the loan shark, Mr Hsi, who spotted the potential business with Ah-bin.

As long as Mr Hsi pays the premium, Ah-bin takes care of the insurance claims, and as the insured “exchange parts of their own”, everyone benefits from it.

What’s better than a deal like this?

原文出處 2020台北電影節