
(video)Masks and Democracy: How Tsai Ing-wen Led Taiwan to Overcome Diplomatic Siege

Video Chapters:
00:00 Highlights
00:39 The 2024 Taiwan Presidential Elections
01:59 Taiwan-China Relations Back in the Mid-2010s
03:04 Taiwan’s Diplomatic Siege During Tsai Ing-wen’s Presidency
04:45 The COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Diplomatic Opportunities for Taiwan
09:33 Taiwan’s Pragmatism in Diplomatic Relations
12:22 The Taiwan-U.S. Relationship
13:01 Nancy Pelosi’s Visit to Taiwan in 2022 and Its Implications for Taiwan
15:40 The Implications of the Russia-Ukraine War for Taiwan
17:33 Japan and U.S. Views on a Possible Taiwan Contingency
18:55 President Tsai’s Defense Strategy
21:04 Foreign Guests’ Analysis on Tsai’s Presidency
22:17 President Tsai’s Reflection on Leadership
22:36 Analyzing the U.S.-Taiwan Partnership
23:18 Conclusion
25:00 End Credits

As Chinese curbs on Taiwan intensify, several countries broke off formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan throughout the years. Finding itself in a beleaguered and precarious position, Taiwan applies unconventional approaches for boosting its visibility in the international society during Tsai Ing-wen’s presidency. For this island nation, the COVID-19 pandemic presented a peril as well as an opportunity. By donating surgical masks to countries in need, Taiwan was reciprocated with the much-needed vaccines and new allies. In order to preserve regional stability and peace, Taiwan has been bolstering its self-defense capability, which is seen in its indigenous submarine and fighter jet projects. Through exclusive interviews with political heavyweight from democracies around the globe, including US speaker emerita Nancy Pelosi, member of Japanese House of Representatives Furuya Keiji, and member of Lithuanian Parliament Matas Maldeikis, we delve into how Taiwan transformed from a besieged nation into a proactive and indispensable member of the global community.

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source TaiwanPlus Docs