
美國駐日大使 易曼紐Rahm Emanuel 近期頻對中共開砲:假消息戰猖獗無恥利用人道悲劇謀利

中國依靠假消息作為攻擊、轉移焦點的手段早已不是新鮮事,近期頻對中共開砲的美國駐日大使易曼紐(Rahm Emanuel)昨天(12日)直言,若北京把散播假消息的精力投入到真正有利民生、甚至全球的事,那麼世界將大大改變,但如果中國真能做到,「那就真的稀奇了」!

上月美國夏威夷州茂宜島(Maui)發生山林野火釀慘重傷亡,引發國際關注。美國駐日大使易曼紐今天在推特指控,習近平政府正利用人工智慧(AI)工具散播就是美國的「氣象武器」(weather weapons)導致夏威夷茂宜島大火的假消息,「不僅如此,北京先前還指稱是美方將武漢肺炎(新型冠狀病毒病,COVID-19)病毒傳到中國,現在也還在散佈有關福島核廢水的不實資訊」。


Xi’s playbook is clear: shamelessly exploit human tragedies for political gain without any regard for the lives lost. Xi’s team is using A.I. to spread false claims that U.S. ‘weather weapons’ caused the Maui wildfire, blaming the U.S. Army for bringing COVID to China, and spreading disinformation about Fukushima. Imagine a world where that energy was channeled into humanitarian aid and genuine concern for the global good. Like focusing on how to get the great Chinese youth back to full employment. Now that would be novel!!!

原文出處 自由時報