
2023 臺中國際動畫影展|觀摩長片|魔法阿媽(4K數位修復版)Grandma and Her Ghosts

《魔法阿媽》(4K數位修復版)Grandma and Her Ghosts
王小棣 Wang Shau Di|臺灣 Taiwan|2021|2D|DCP|彩色|85min

In July, during the typhoon season and the opening of the Gates of Ghosts, due to a car accident involving Dad, who was working abroad, Mom hastily took Dou Dou to Grandma’s house in Keelung. They started living with Grandma, who appeared to be quite fearsome on the outside. Despite Grandma’s repeated warnings, Dou Dou ventured into the storage room at the back yard, which was strictly off-limits. Instead of heeding Grandma’s advice, Dou Dou even accidentally broke a sealed jar, causing the evil spirit within to possess the black cat kept at Grandma’s house. To make matters worse, this malevolent spirit began to obstruct Grandma’s efforts to guide the “good brothers” towards salvation. The spirit aimed to keep these “good brothers” from departing and to manipulate them into committing wrongful deeds……
2023 臺中國際動畫影展 ◖◐ 光影之間 ◑◗
10.13———10.21 臺中新時代威秀影城
⊝ 官方網站:https://twtiaf.com/2023/index.php

原文出處 TIAF臺中國際動畫影展