
(影)The Red Elephants 報導:中國人有意散播中國武漢病毒在食物上、電梯中、公園長椅塗抹唾沫

Chinese Intentionally Spread Corona Virus — Spit On Food, Elevators, Park Benches

Dozens of videos have emerged of Chinese citizens intentionally spreading the Corona Virus by spitting on food, inside of elevators and wiping saliva on park benches. Some of the videos shown display Chinese citizens spitting directly on strangers.

This video shows a Chinese woman who was confirmed to have been infected with the Corona Virus, spitting on produce in an Australian super market.

Below is a video taken of a Chinese woman wiping her saliva all over a park bench, intentionally spreading the deadly virus.

Again, another video shows a Chinese man spreading the Corona Virus all over the buttons inside of a public elevator in Wales, UK.