
UN confirms prolongation of Ukrainian Grain Initiative

The United Nations has confirmed the extension of the Black Sea Grain Initiative, which was set to expire on Saturday, March 18.

That’s according to the UN press service, Ukrinform reports.

“The Black Sea Grain Initiative, signed in Istanbul on 22 July 2022, has been extended. The Initiative allows for the facilitation of the safe navigation for the exports of grain and related foodstuffs and fertilizers, including ammonia, from designated Ukrainian seaports,” the organization said in a statement.

It was recalled that since the launch of the agreement, some 25 million metric tonnes of grain and foodstuffs have been moved to 45 countries, helping to bring down global food prices and stabilizing the markets.

At the same time, the UN did not specify the period for which grain deal was extended.

U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink praised the extension via Twitter.

“The Black Sea Grain Initiative has moved over 24 million tons of food since August. Good to see this life-saving initiative extended another 120 days to keep Ukrainian grain flowing around the world,” the tweet reads.

It should be recalled that on March 18, Deputy Prime Minister for Reconstruction Oleksandr Kubrakov announced that the Grain Initiative was extended for 120 days.

source ukrinform
