
土耳其總統雷傑普與內閣商討中國武漢肺炎冠狀病毒威脅重要措施Presidential Cabinet meets to take important measures regarding coronavirus threat

Presidential Cabinet meets to take important measures regarding coronavirus threat

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is presiding over a meeting of the Presidential Cabinet on the latest developments and measures to be taken regarding the corona virus. The entire cabinet is present at the meeting which Erdogan announced yesterday would be narrow scoped. It is expected that the summit will also focus on whether schools will be on holiday.

The meeting on measures to be taken against the corona virus (Covid-19) outbreak, chaired by President and AK Party leader Erdogan began in Beştepe.

The members of the meeting held in Presidential Complex (Beştepe) were as follows::

* Vice President Fuat Oktay
* Minister Of Health Fahrettin Koca
* Minister Of Justice Abdulhamit Gul
* Minister Of Foreign Affairs Mevlut Çavuşoğlu
* Minister of youth and Sports Mehmet Muharrem Kasapoğlu
* Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli
* Minister Of The Interior Süleyman Soylu
* Minister of transport and infrastructure Mehmet Cahit Turan
* Minister of Environment and Urban Planning Murat Kurumu
* Minister of family, labour and Social Services Zehra Emerald Selçuk

After the meeting, IBRAHIM KALIN, spokesman for the president made a statement to share the following decisions taken in the meeting.

– Schools will be closed on March 16, for a week – after which online education will be provided
– Universities will be closed on March 16 for 3 weeks.
– Citizens are recommended not to travel abroad, unless obligatory. When back home they should not go out for 14 days.
– Civil servants (foreign affairs etc) will need permission to leave the country
– Sports events will take place with no spectators.

土耳其總統雷傑普·塔伊普·埃爾多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)與內閣開會針對中國武漢肺炎冠狀病毒威脅採取之重要措施

總統雷傑普·塔伊普·埃爾多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)主持總統內閣會議,討論有關日冕病毒的最新發展和應採取的措施。整個內閣出席了會議,埃爾多安昨天宣布將縮小範圍。預計峰會還將集中討論學校是否會放假。



*副總統Fuat Oktay
*衛生部長Fahrettin Koca
*司法部長Abdulhamit Gul
*農業和林業部長Bekir Pakdemirli
*運輸和基礎設施部長Mehmet Cahit Turan
*環境與城市規劃部長Murat Kurumu
*家庭,勞工和社會服務部長Zehra EmeraldSelçuk

會議結束後,總統發言人易卜拉欣·卡林(IBRAHIM KALIN)發表聲明,分享會議上做出的以下決定。
