
噩耗!義大利瓦雷澤Varese醫療協會主席斯特拉Roberto Stella死於中國武漢病毒!

武漢肺炎疫情蔓延全球,義大利已逾1萬多例確診、超過800人死亡,為中國以外疫情最嚴重的國家,而該國北部瓦雷澤地區(Varese)醫療協會主席斯特拉(Roberto Stella)也在這次的疫情中喪生。



聯合會秘書長史考蒂(Silvestro Scotti)在另外一份發表的聲明中,讚揚斯特拉是家庭醫生的典範;不過該聲明指出,斯特拉的逝世是代表所有醫護人員無聲的強烈抗議,因為醫護人員至今仍缺乏適當的保護裝備。

原文出處 自由時報

Roberto Stella

Roberto Stella (c. 1953 – 10 March 2020) was an Italian general practitioner. He was president of the National Interdisciplinary Medical Society of Primary Care (SNaMID) and the Medical Guild of Varese. Stella was the national training manager of the National Federation of the Orders of Doctors and Dental Surgeons.

He ran a medical clinic in Busto Arsizio.

In 2017, Stella was elected to a fourth three-year term as president of the Medical Guild of Varese.

In 2020, Stella and another physician at his medical practice tested positive for coronavirus disease 2019. News of their diagnosis sparked panic in the community, prompting mayor Emanuele Antonelli to issue a statement.

Stella died in Como on 10 March 2020 after being hospitalized for respiratory failure due to coronavirus disease 2019.