
Ukraine not planning to restrict certain agricultural exports 烏克蘭不打算限制某些農產品出口

Ukraine is not planning to impose restrictions on the export deliveries of certain agricultural products, namely barley, corn, rapeseed, soybeans, sunflower seeds and sunflower oil.

The relevant statement was made by Ukrainian Agrarian Policy and Food First Deputy Minister Taras Vysotskyi at the Prague Karlsbourse trade fair, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

“I want to confirm that, at the moment, we do not have any restrictions and are not planning to impose restrictions on the export deliveries of barley, corn, rapeseed, soybeans, sunflower seeds, sunflower oil and other products,” Vysotskyi told.

In his words, Ukraine intends not to stop agricultural exports despite the blockade of its sea ports by the Russian Federation.

A reminder that, according to the Ukrainian Agrarian Policy and Food Ministry, Ukraine will be able to stay among the Top 10 food exporters this year if Ukrainian sea ports get unblocked.





提醒一下,根據烏克蘭農業政策和食品部的數據,如果烏克蘭海港暢通無阻,烏克蘭今年將能夠躋身前 10 名食品出口國之列。

