
2020台北電影節:【灼人秘密 NINA WU 】輔15

2020台北電影節:【灼人秘密 NINA WU 】輔15
趙德胤 Midi Z
2019 | 台灣、馬來西亞、緬甸
DCP | Colour | 103 分 | 中文/英文
2019 坎城影展一種注目單元
2019 錫切斯影展評審團特別獎
2019 金馬獎最佳音效

2020/07/09(四) 13:30~15:13 信義威秀14廳

導演:趙德胤 Midi Z

妮娜從鄉下來到台北發展,一直在等待電影演出的機會。終於機會來了,她參與了一部電影的試鏡,但一連串恐怖、懸疑、椎心刺骨的事件讓她陷入惡夢的深淵。本片為女主角吳可熙原創編劇的劇本,靈感來自美國哈維‧溫斯坦及韓國、日本的 #metoo 事件。

After eight years toiling in bit-parts, aspiring actress Nina Wu finally gets her big break with a leading role in a spy thriller set in the 1960s.

The part is challenging because it calls explicit sex scenes and the director is hard on her. But both the industry and the press are confident that the results are sensationally good.

On the brink of triumph, though, Nina’s psychological resolve begins to crack.

She rushes back to her family home to deal with two crises and dreams of rekindling a close friendship with her childhood friend Kiki. Meanwhile, she is haunted by paranoid fantasies that a mysterious woman is stalking and attacking her.

As Nina clings to the memories of happier times, it seems that there is one crucial memory she is repressing…

原文出處 2020台北電影節