






此類偽鈔被稱為“Foreign Writing”,但是是違反聯邦法律的行為,被視為違禁品。雖然此類偽造貨幣有時被歸類為電影道具,但仍屬非法並違反了美國聯邦法律。違反者執法官員依規定可以被逮捕他們。

據美國特勤局(Secret Service)所說,“Foreign Writing”在美國每個主要城市以及大小零售商中都必需登記。全國各地的偵查人員,也將繼續與州和地方執法人員密切合作,來告ˋ知大眾並逮捕假冒偽鈔人員來降低風險。

CBP是美國海關與邊境保護局,屬國土安全部內的統一邊界機構,負責管理,控制和保護我國入境口岸及其之間的邊界。 CBP負責確保美國邊界安全,同時執行數百項法律並促進合法貿易和旅行。

In order to stop the spread of counterfeit currency, U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers are always on the lookout to stop shipments with fake cash. One shipment of counterfeit currency that will not make its destination was seized by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers at an Express Consignment Operations facility in Milwaukee on May 27. CBP seized 3,515 100-dollar bills for a total of $351,500.

The shipment arrived from Shanghai, China and was headed for a residence in Milwaukee. The parcel was selected for examination and when the parcel was opened, officers found what was later confirmed as counterfeit currency. The currency was made of poor material, was missing the required watermark, had no red and blue imbedded fibers, each bill had the same serial number, and there were Chinese letters on back of bills in red.

“The importation of counterfeit currency can pose a threat not only to the United States economy, but our national security as well,” said William Braun, Service Port Director, Milwaukee. “It is astonishing to see the contraband our officers discover on a daily basis. They continue to uncover violations of U.S. law, day after day. That is vigilance! The illegal importation of this amount of counterfeit currency has the potential to be a very serious criminal act. I give the officers credit for helping to maintain the integrity of our system and protecting the citizens of the United States.”

Counterfeit money like this, described as Foreign Writing Notes, is a violation of federal law and is considered contraband. These Foreign Writing Notes were destroyed. Counterfeit money like this is sometimes classified as motion picture or foreign writing notes, and is a violation of federal law. Violators can be arrested.

According to the Secret Service, “Foreign Writing” notes have been recorded as successfully passed in every major city in the U.S. and at both small and large retailers. Special Agents and Investigative Analysts from around the country will continue to work closely with state and local law enforcement partners to minimize risks by informing the public and apprehending those responsible for passing counterfeit. Both consumers and retailers can protect themselves from inadvertently receiving a Motion Picture or Foreign Writing notes by quickly glancing at the note to ensure it does not read “For Motion Picture Use Only” or display bright pink Chinese characters.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection is the unified border agency within the Department of Homeland Security charged with the management, control and protection of our nation’s borders at and between official ports of entry. CBP is charged with securing the borders of the United States while enforcing hundreds of laws and facilitating lawful trade and travel.

原文出處 CBP
